Once again, I got to welcome my beady friend, Emily Scott, to the Beadalon Facebook Live. She is an accomplished beader and wire worker, and it was a treat for me to learn a new technique (to me) - the "Pinch and Twist". I love this technique because it's deceptively simple, but also because it is a perfect way to use a "bead soup" mix. The Jesse James Beads bead mixes are absolutely PERFECT for this technique, and I used the Red Queen Mix that my friend Sarah James put together for me. It's also a perfect technique to showcase the MultiColor Artistic Wire! Materials: 22 Gauge MultiColor Artistic Wire Bead Soup or JJB Bead Mix 2 large hole beads Sari Ribbon Instructions: STEP 1 Working from the spool, string up a whole bunch of bead soup - about 36 inches of beads. STEP 2 Leave yourself about an 8 inch tail, then move a bead into place. Fold the wire around the bead, then pinch the wire together and twist the bead until it is captured in the wire twist. ...
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