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Come Visit Us!

In less than a month, we're heading  to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the country's largest consumer bead show, the  Bead & Button Show! Over 13,000 people visited the show last year and many took at least  one of the 580 workshops available during the week long extravaganza. At the  show, you can find almost any bead imaginable, and learn almost any beading  technique.

This year, we're extending the Beadalon sponsored workshops  to include "Beadalon Presents: Designing with the Newest and Most Innovative  Products" by Product Manager,  Wyatt White. Design team member Katie Hacker will feature CRYSTALLIZED™ and  Beadalon Presents: Crystal Scallop Bracelet and CRYSTALLIZED™ and Beadalon Presents: Black Diamond Chain. All workshops will showcase the revolutionary Beadmaster flash  animation. Materials and products are included in the class fee.

Visit  us at booth #618-620 to view demonstrations and learn about the newest  Beadalon products. Our goal is to educate the consumer and support our  Distributors by referring people to their booths to buy Beadalon  products.
