Check out all of the newest Beadalon products, including more than 2000+ SKU's of Artistic Wire! Catalog 30 boasts more exclusive products than ever before, plus, tons of inspiration, techniques and tips to take your jewelry making to the next level. Browse new products on the website or click here to download Catalog 30.
The Design Team is especially excited about all of the exciting things you can do with Artistic Wire – check out our new projects in the Design Gallery. That's Fernando's Technicolour Bracelet on the cover of the new catalog!
Fernando specializes in unique color combinations and lots and lots of texture. He used a Wire Twister to create his own twisted Artistic Wire strands, then he used the twisted wire to make jump rings. By layering several rings together on each section, his bracelet looks great and is more durable, too.
-Beadalon Blog Team
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