This week on Facebook Live, Kelli Geis joined me to teach me how to make an adorable Paw Print Ornament. She had made them for her daughter's friends at Penn State, and they're so cute, I asked her to teach me. You can make them in any team color you choose - there are 5 colors of Aluminum Artistic Wire and a whole bunch more in Copper Artistic Wire - or make them in honor of your favorite furry friend! I love the idea of adding a charm with your pet's name and/or birth stone as well. Materials: 21 inches of Aluminum Artistic Wire Tools: Bracelet Bending Pliers Ring Mandrel AW Straightener 3D Bracelet Jig Sizing Drum 1.5" Instructions: Place the Wire at the end of the Ring Mandrel, and roll the Mandrel to make a full loop. Take the Mandrel out of the loop, place it against the loop and turn another loop. Repeat step 2 for two more loops - a total of 4. Wrap the tail of the Wire around the Sizing Drum to make a full loop. Wrap the tail around the ...
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